Digital Library
Unlock a wealth of digital library resources, including eBooks, audiobooks, movies and online databases. All at your fingertips.
Access Anytime, Anywhere
Whether you're at home, work, or on the go, your library is always within reach. Enjoy the flexibility of accessing our digital library resources 24/7, from any location.
With Libby, you can also download e-books for offline access, play e-audiobooks from your device in your car, and send books to your Kindle.
Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos that inspire, enrich and entertain.
Hoopla digital is a collection of digital materials exclusively for library users, created by Midwest Tape. Current offerings include movies, television episodes, music albums, audiobooks, ebooks, and comics.
Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Our mission is to help readers discover books they love and get more out of reading.
LibraryThing is a free, library-quality catalog to track reading progress or your whole library.
Project Gutenberg
Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired.
The New York Times Best Sellers
Authoritatively ranked lists of books sold in the United States, sorted by format and genre.
BookPage highlights the best new books across all genres, as chosen by our editors. Every book we cover is one that we are excited to recommend to readers.
LibraryReads is the monthly nationwide library staff picks list for adult fiction and non-fiction.
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Barnes & Noble is the world’s largest retail bookseller and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products.
BookBrowse is your guide to exceptional books, providing you with all you need to know about the books that matter.
IndieBound is a “local first” shopping movement and a network of hundreds of independent bookstores sharing book recommendations and connecting readers and authors.
The premier media marketplace connecting you to over 200 million books, movies, and albums from thousands of independent sellers worldwide.
Choose any title you want from our unmatched collection—including bestsellers and new releases. This is yours to keep.
Come By And See Us Soon
Highland Township
Public Library
Monday through Thursday:
10:00am - 8:00pm
Friday and Saturday:
10:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday: Closed